Complaint resolution

Our complaint system is designed to allow both parties to communicate in a neutral environment. A history of contributions by both parties is created, should it be required at a future date as evidence.

In the vast majority of cases our complaint process helps achieve a resolution to the complaint. At this point the guest can voluntary close the complaint.

If the complaint can not be resolved within our complaint system, or if legal action is initiated, then the complaint may be closed without resolution by ukcaravans4hire.

We do not have the legal power to force a particular resolution to a complaint. For example, we can not force a holiday home owner to refund a damage deposit if the owner believes they have justification for keeping it.

To force a resolution in these cases a guest may need to take civil action against the holiday home owner, this is normally achieved through the small claims court.

For more information about pursuing a case through the small claims court we recommend visiting the Citizens Advice website.